Notification on New Anti-bribery & Corruption Policy

Dear Valued Customers, We wish to inform that the Bank has approved Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy effective 23rd July 2019 as an initiative to enhance the integrity culture within the Bank. EXIM Bank takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and is committed to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business […]

Vendor Code of Conduct

The Vendor Code of Conduct (VCOC) establishes a set of standards on business and ethical practices, and professional conduct expected of all Vendor(s) working with the Bank. The VCOC shall apply to all suppliers appointed by any EXIM Function, business or individual working on behalf of EXIM, contractors of the Bank and to any person(s) […]

Notification on New Fees and Charges

Dear Valued Customer, We wish to inform you that the Bank will introduce new fees and charges effective 12th September 2019. The new fees and charges to be charged are as follows; Name of Fees and Charges RM per issuance/request Audit Confirmation RM100 Redemption Letter/Statement RM50 Letter of Support RM100 Note: Above fees and charges […]

Request For Employee References

In adherence to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)’s procedure on Employee Screening (BNM/RH/RD 028-72) issued on 9 March 2018, financial institutions and organisations that wish to perform employee screening and obtain employment references on EXIM Bank’s employees may submit your request by sending the necessary documents to the following: Head, Transformation Office & Human Capital Management […]

Beware Of Bogus Emails Using Bank Negara Malaysia’s Name

Dear Valued Customers, Please be informed that Bank Negara Malaysia cautions members of the public on bogus emails using Bank Negara Malaysia’s name, which requires the recipient to follow links to false websites. You will see the following screenshots if you have received or responded to the fake BNM e-mail. Members of the public are […]


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